The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: After 4 years in Calif. in the Navy, ('58-'62), I worked 5 years in aerospace in Conn. designing environment control systems for the Boeing 7X7 series aircraft (yes, the planes you fly today were designed almost 50 years ago!) and then the lunar module and backpack that took men to the moon. But together with the challenges of space exploration, computers were also the rage in the 60's and I had to be a part of that too, so I joined IBM in '67, working first in a branch office then in the Endicott, NY plant and lab. I was involved in a variety of tasks from product development to training in the US, Europe and Asia where I lived and worked. It was a wonderful ride! Since retiring in the Binghamton, NY area in '91, I've been involved in my daughter's restaurant venture and the computer-based businesses of one of my three sons while the other two sons made successful careers in the US Marines. My wife of more than 50 years and I have much to be thankful for. Lionel B. Bourne |